
*This module is required and must be present in every inuitcss-project.

It contains mathematical helpers for later use throughout the framework.

@function quarter($inuit-number) {
    @return round($inuit-number / 4);

@function halve($inuit-number) {
    @return round($inuit-number / 2);

@function double($inuit-number) {
    @return round($inuit-number * 2);

@function quadruple($inuit-number) {
    @return round($inuit-number * 4);

You can use these functions all over your project to quarter, halve, double or quadruple all kinds of values. If you want to double your $inuit-base-spacing-unit--large for example, you would do it this way:

    margin-bottom: double($inuit-base-spacing-unit--large);